Watch the Birdie or The Tiger and the Tush After months of procedural wrangling, the U.S. Senate finally began debate on the proposal by the Democratic party to overhaul the nation's health care system. The momentous occasion received dedicated coverage on most news media outlets, coming in third behind two other stories critical to the country: golfer Tiger Woods crashing his automobile and the party crashers at the Obama's first state dinner. For anyone who faithfully follows news reporting in the United States, it is not surprising that any story that contains the word "crash" in it will normally rise to the top of the pile on the cable channels on any given news day. The recipe is well known: start with some violence or greed; add a blond in a red dress (what I would call "a bit of tush"); mix in a billionaire sports figure cheating on his wife, and voila, the priorities of the TV viewing brain start to happily shift away from reality to the much more lu...