The Tweeter-in-Chief

Ever since he began his quest for the presidency, Donald Trump has made Twitter his digital platform of choice for launching the kind of strategic messages he cherishes most--attacking his critics and praising himself.

Not long into his run for the White House, The Donald got hip to the potential impact of social media. Those who were assigned to monitor Trump discovered his habit of staying up all night reviewing the comments of his critics and firing off tweeted reposts. It was clear that the billionaire real estate magnate did not react very well to criticism; Twitter became a valuable weapon he could use to respond instantly to what he perceived as unwarranted criticism and personal slander, even if only limited to 140 characters.

Mr. Trump shot his tweets fast and furious Friday night, responding to Broadway actor Brandon Victor Dixon after the star of the hit musical "Hamilton" gave an impromptu speech in the direction of VP elect Mike Pence who had attended that night's performance. Saturday Nite Live's Alec Baldwin added to Trump's irritation with his dead-on Trump impersonation the following night, causing the president-elect to tweet a demand for an apology.

It's certainly disturbing that our newly minted president has no experience in politics, no appreciation of history, and no understanding of ethics. That he appears to lack a meaningful sense of humor is a matter of grave concern; that the American people chose him is hard to fathom.


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