November Surprise, or Anthony's Junk

Well the surprise was on me. I had stated in a post about the phenomenon of the October Surprise that the tale of Hillary Clinton's emails and the stories about Donald Trump's personal pecadillos would not be the factors that would ultimately define the destiny of their candidacies. I was certain that it would be Vladamir Putin who, like Ming the Merciless, would engage in some inter-galactic treachery designed to  sabotage the election of the  American president. I was sure that it would be Putin, that Trump supporting, Russian relic of the Soviet security machine, who would stake his claim to a red October.

No, the true culprit, it turned out, was FBI director James Comey.  The Republican chief of the Bureau announced that it had found additional emails possibly belonging to Hillery Clinton on a laptop owned by former Congressman Anthony Weiner, better known as the pedophile husband of Hillery's assistant Huma Abedin.  It seems that Mr. Weiner was more concerned with emailing penis pictures to under-aged girls, than with carrying out his duties as a legislator.

 Now the pundits who had been wrong about the entire presidential campaign are telling us that Comey's act was the factor that enabled Trump and his team to turn the election in his favor. 
One thing is for certain: long after it is over, the election of 2016 will remain as a point of well defined idiocy in the game of politics.


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