
Showing posts from 2011

Coming Home

The war in Iraq came to an official close yesterday... just in time for Christmas. An odd coincidence, isn't it? In the wake of this needless production of cannon fodder for an entirely unnecessary war, America smugly finds a way to reaffirm its faith in its religious beliefs, support its calcified politics and cheer on the people who lead us oblivious to their human responsibilities. As the soldiers come home on crutches, splints and in caskets, august members of the House of Representatives demonstrated their concern for their fellow citizens last week by proposing a cutback in unemployment benefits and the institution of drug testing of the unemployed as part of a deal to preserve the payroll tax cut. You have to hand it to the GOP mandarins -- when it comes to disdain for the "common man" they are in a league of their own. Alabama Republican Senator Jeff Sessions has been pushing a new amendment that would make it more difficult for people to receive food stamps...

Holy Infant

If there was ever any doubt about the mental instability of the Republican party, consider the story that has emerged about a coalition of evangelical environmentalists and their support of new regulations proposed by the EPA that would impose stricter limits on emissions of mercury from power plants. That's right. Believe it or not, there is a group of environmentally conscious right-wing Christians who have been making their voices heard and have clashed with pro-business Republicans who want to weaken the regulations. Evangelical Christians make up 26% of the country. While official campaign rhetoric from the GOP calls for eliminating the EPA, it seems that some evangelicals, usually known for their nearly monolithic support of Republican positions and priorities, have begun to make the important connection between strong environmental regulations and concern for the unborn. Medical experts have long warned that high mercury levels in fish like tuna and swordfish can cause pre...

Armistice Day

There is only one way in which we can worthily give proof of our appreciation of the significance of Armistice Day; that is by resolving as a nation to work toward preventing another war; to put self-interest away and once again act on the highest ideals of international cooperation... Woodrow Wilson

GOP Controls Public Discourse

Anybody out there getting a bit weary of the Republican primary debates? Get prepared for more of the same. Checking the schedule, as of this writing the GOP will be getting ready for its 12th debate, most of them televised by major networks. For those of you who can't get enough of this coterie of crass conservatives, fear not. We will all be treated to 14 more chances to turn off Jersey Shore and sit back and watch as right wing politics is sold to the electorate. And where are the Democrats while the Republican position goes unchallenged, while President Obama is blamed for the economy, for unemployment, and for having the temerity to offer the country medical care? They are nowhere to be found. Hours upon hours of free airtime is being devoted to one party's vision for the country and the Democratic leadership is just sitting on its hands. Where are the town halls, the community meetings, the discussions, the Democratic followup responses that would allow presentation ...
Scholastic Changes Course Scholastic Inc. has reacted quickly to a torrent of criticism on news that it produced and was attempting to market a one-sided lesson packet on U.S. energy production sponsored by the American Coal Foundation. Responding to a NY Times editorial and a blistering Internet campaign launched by Rethinking Schools and the Campaign for a Commercial–Free Childhood, Scholastic President and CEO Richard Robinson acknowledged that “the mere fact of sponsorship may call into question the authenticity of the information.” The quality of the information was highlighted by the Times piece, which criticized the packet’s emphasis on the benefits of coal while omitting mention of toxic waste and production of greenhouse gases. The Scholastic coal story indeed hit a raw nerve. Within hours of launching its campaign, Rethinking Schools was joined by a host of environmental advocacy groups, commentators and bloggers; the story was covered by numerous media outlets, electronic...
Sir Donald America's gossip media has its shorts in a bunch over the imminent wedding of Prince Harry--or is it William to Kate somebody or other. Pundits have mused over the interest shown in the U.S. trying to figure out the reason why our nation of commoners cares. The truth is that we former colonists continue to be obsessed with royalty. Witness the political ascendance of billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump who may or may not be a serious candidate for the presidency. With his imperious bearing, his collection of office buildings and speedboat hair weave, The Donald has all the trappings of American royalty -- including a definite article in front of his name. America's financial institutions create billionaires then put them on the tube; The Donald is a pretender, a semi-literate boor with enough money to manufacture a public personna and buy his way onto television where he can convince himself and the nation that his opinions matter and they are widely shared. T...