Holy Infant

If there was ever any doubt about the mental instability of the Republican party, consider the story that has emerged about a coalition of evangelical environmentalists and their support of new regulations proposed by the EPA that would impose stricter limits on emissions of mercury from power plants. That's right. Believe it or not, there is a group of environmentally conscious right-wing Christians who have been making their voices heard and have clashed with pro-business Republicans who want to weaken the regulations.

Evangelical Christians make up 26% of the country. While official campaign rhetoric from the GOP calls for eliminating the EPA, it seems that some evangelicals, usually known for their nearly monolithic support of Republican positions and priorities, have begun to make the important connection between strong environmental regulations and concern for the unborn. Medical experts have long warned that high mercury levels in fish like tuna and swordfish can cause prenatal brain damage and neurological disorders. Now it appears that the gospel of science is starting to get through to the brains of the faith-based community.

It is estimated that some 40% of lakes and rivers in the U.S. have varying levels of mercury contamination. The new rules proposed by the EPA would reduce mercury emissions from coal-burning power plants by more than 90%, and also sharply restrict acid gas and sulfur dioxide emissions.

Key Republicans have stated their opposition to the measures, arguing that in a weak economy the financial impact on businesses and potential consequences for job creation could be too costly. That opinion runs counter to EPA estimates that the new standards could save $55 billion to $146 billion per year in health costs, dwarfing the $11.3 billion annual cost of imposing the regulations.

More than 100 evangelical pastors and leaders have signed the “Evangelical Call to Stop The Mercury Poisoning of the Unborn.” Now if we can only get a little understanding for those of us who have left the womb...


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