Sir Donald
America's gossip media has its shorts in a bunch over the imminent wedding of Prince Harry--or is it William to Kate somebody or other. Pundits have mused over the interest shown in the U.S. trying to figure out the reason why our nation of commoners cares. The truth is that we former colonists continue to be obsessed with royalty. Witness the political ascendance of billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump who may or may not be a serious candidate for the presidency. With his imperious bearing, his collection of office buildings and speedboat hair weave, The Donald has all the trappings of American royalty -- including a definite article in front of his name.
America's financial institutions create billionaires then put them on the tube; The Donald is a pretender, a semi-literate boor with enough money to manufacture a public personna and buy his way onto television where he can convince himself and the nation that his opinions matter and they are widely shared. The Donald is a pretender. Only time will tell if he is a pretender to the throne.
America's gossip media has its shorts in a bunch over the imminent wedding of Prince Harry--or is it William to Kate somebody or other. Pundits have mused over the interest shown in the U.S. trying to figure out the reason why our nation of commoners cares. The truth is that we former colonists continue to be obsessed with royalty. Witness the political ascendance of billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump who may or may not be a serious candidate for the presidency. With his imperious bearing, his collection of office buildings and speedboat hair weave, The Donald has all the trappings of American royalty -- including a definite article in front of his name.
America's financial institutions create billionaires then put them on the tube; The Donald is a pretender, a semi-literate boor with enough money to manufacture a public personna and buy his way onto television where he can convince himself and the nation that his opinions matter and they are widely shared. The Donald is a pretender. Only time will tell if he is a pretender to the throne.