Here's what Barack Obama must do if he truly wants to win the election:

1. Convey more passion, even a sense of anger at the condition the Republican Party has left the country in. Model that outrage for the American people till they feel it in their bones. Mr. Obama, clearly one of our nation's most effective orators, must connect with people emotionally as well as intellectually. Use well-honed logical arguments, but demonstrate more clearly the urgency of ending Republican leadership by consistently using a more dramatic tone of voice. Explain what is at stake and why the country must not risk making the same mistake it did when it thought it was buying security by electing George Bush. Use power phrases such as:

"How many banks must fail, how many of our homes must be foreclosed, how many jobs must be lost, how many people must go bankrupt trying to pay for health care, how many Americans must come home in body bags before we stand up as a nation and say enough!"

2. Say the word "Republicans" more (not just Bush or McCain) in critiquing the disastrous handling of the economy, the huge squandering of taxes on an illegal war, and the the needless loss of life; highlight the damage the GOP has done to our rights as Americans in its use of the threat of terrorism to limit our civil liberties. Emphasize that the upcoming election will be the only real opportunity Americans will have to hold someone accountable for what has happened to the country.

3. Challenge McCain to a debate on the US Constitution pointing out the numerous instances of deviation from the law that has characterized the Bush administration and how dangerous such behavior is to our Constitutional democracy. Underscore how important it is that a solid understanding of our laws must be considered a vital qualification for the job of president - more important than mere "experience." Use Mr. Obama's strength as a law professor to counter the McCain argument that the presumptive Democratic nominee has no substance beyond soliloquy. If this is not accepted by McCain, demand that questions on the Constitution be included in the upcoming debates.

4. On TV ads, bring in more experts to back-up what Obama is saying; on the energy/ drilling issue for example, have geologists, energy experts, honest oil industry scientists to counter McCain "straight talk" with the fact that a program to expand drilling will yield no meaningful change in the cost of gasoline. Bring in doctors and nurses groups to support Obama's plan on healthcare reform (however inadequate the Democratic reform plan might be). Have a group of former generals who support Obama stand up and say why they support him and affirm their confidence that the country would be in safe hands with him in the White House.

5. Create a 2-column spreadsheet or table that lists the different stands on key issues between GOP and Dems using simple language. Print this as full page ads in major newspapers around the country and utilize it (one issue at a time) in campaign TV ads. Spell it out for the voters.

6. Create another simple table, which compares the McCain campaign's false assertions about Obama with the truth (the false claim that the Illinois senator plans to raise taxes on those making $40k a year for example). Make it clear that a politician who will use these kinds of tactics and distortions to get elected cannot be trusted by the American people.

7. Announce shortly after the convention a high-profile team of economic experts and national security advisers that will smooth the transition from one administration to the other, set to go to work immediately on the nation's real problems.


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