Odd, isn’t it? Last week, the reverend James Dobson, head of the ultra-conservative Christian group Focus on the Family, asked his parishioners to pray for rain on the evening that Barack Obama was to give his highly anticipated acceptance speech for the Democratic presidential nomination. Obama’s speech went off without a hitch and proved to be one of the most inspired pieces of oratory in the ‘08 campaign.

Now it appears that God has had other plans for the Conservative flock. He has sent a hurricane to the Gulf Coast, which has caused the GOP to cancel its own convention on the eve of its opening. The switch comes just as Mr. Dobson expressed his renewed faith in the Republican ticket with the addition of the super right-wing Alaskan governor Sarah Palin to the McCain ticket.

Will Dobson see this as a sign from heaven that God is on the side of the Democrats? Probably not. But the change in fortunes may yet prove to be a boon for the Republicans. Now instead of standing at a static podium in front of pictures of his incarceration in a Vietnamese prison, Senator McCain – and his largely unknown running mate – can be seen in action as a presidential team, reviewing the damage from helicopters, offering sympathy to the sick and elderly evacuees, pitching in on food lines. The media, having devoted numerous hours of coverage devoted almost entirely to the Democrats last week, will be obliged to cover it all. Perhaps the most valuable benefit for the GOP as a result of this act of God, is that McCain and Palin won't be seen embracing President Bush and Dick Cheney by millions of television viewers.

The Obama team should take note.


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