
Showing posts from August, 2008
ACT OF GOD Odd, isn’t it? Last week, the reverend James Dobson, head of the ultra-conservative Christian group Focus on the Family, asked his parishioners to pray for rain on the evening that Barack Obama was to give his highly anticipated acceptance speech for the Democratic presidential nomination. Obama’s speech went off without a hitch and proved to be one of the most inspired pieces of oratory in the ‘08 campaign. Now it appears that God has had other plans for the Conservative flock. He has sent a hurricane to the Gulf Coast, which has caused the GOP to cancel its own convention on the eve of its opening. The switch comes just as Mr. Dobson expressed his renewed faith in the Republican ticket with the addition of the super right-wing Alaskan governor Sarah Palin to the McCain ticket. Will Dobson see this as a sign from heaven that God is on the side of the Democrats? Probably not. But the change in fortunes may yet prove to be a boon for the Republicans. Now instead of standing a...
Maverick Takes a Gamble In the television series “Maverick” James Garner played a classic American anti-hero – a cowboy who bucked the system to go his own way - a double dealer who in a high-stakes game gambled with a smile knowing he could out-fox his opponent. Americans have always been attracted to the scoff-law movie hero. From Bogart’s Rick in Casablanca to Eastwood’s Dirty Harry; from Tom Cruise in Top Gun to Harrison Ford in Star Wars, audiences have cheered for the renegade who achieves victory by breaking the rules that circumscribe us. At first glance, John McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate in the 08 presidential contest, would appear to be either a brilliant and bold strategic calculation or the most foolhardy political stunt in modern history. Yet, in truth it is more than either of these. In selecting a one-term Alaskan governor with no international experience, McCain is getting more than a die-hard conservative, more than a possible magnet for undec...
The Democrats Confection After several days of joyful noise and a handful of truly powerful speeches, the Democratic party convention in Denver is ready to elevate its chosen one - Barack Obama - to the presidency. The heavens of the Pepsi Center rang out last night as party leaders past and present testified to the unique abilities Mr. Obama has to bring together the many diverse stands of the American fabric, who by his very presence seemed to embody the reclamation of an America that has always existed in name only - a land of lofty ideals of freedom and righteousness dreamed by the nation's founders. Even the most hard-bitten and cynical pol had difficulty avoiding tears as the official roll-call was read in Denver, a slow and steady build-up to the proclamation of Senator Obama as the country's chief executive. It is ironic that the religious right - which has done much to force its narrow theological agenda on the country via the Republican Party - had the opportunity las...
When You're in a Hole What a waste. Next week as the Republicans take the stage and the curtain rises on the Greek Tragedy that they have created in America, one thing is certain: the tragedy will be portrayed as a triumph. Should one expect logic from a political party whose only reason for being is to perpetuate itself at the cost of those it is supposed to serve? It is indeed a sad reflection on the intelligence of the American public that after bringing the country so much ruin, the GOP could be in a dead heat for another turn at the White House. The Republican machine -- the political instrument of the oil industry in America -- continues to pump out distortions and false statements in describing two of the most important issues of the day: the war in Iraq, and energy security. The McCain campaign has, of late, anointed itself as the party of oil drilling, using the popularity of expanding offshore exploration to hammer Democrats who oppose such practices. Though most energy ...
Celebrity Cult Isn't it interesting that the GOP's favorite assault on the candidacy of Barack Obama is that he is inexperienced and is nothing but a celebrity? Perhaps they forgot about Ronald Reagan? Before being elevated to the role of God the Father in the Republican pantheon, Ronald Reagan had been a two term governor of California from 1966-1974. Prior to that, he was a celebrity. The Great Communicator began his career as a radio personality and an announcer for the Chicago Cubs baseball team. He signed his first movie contract with Warner Brothers in 1937, the first step in a career as a B movie actor that would span three decades. In addition to his heights as a thespian, the co-star of such memorable fare as Bedtime for Bonzo was best known as a celebrity spokesman for companies such as General Electric. Perhaps being a celebrity in politics is not so bad after all.
Here's what Barack Obama must do if he truly wants to win the election: 1. Convey more passion, even a sense of anger at the condition the Republican Party has left the country in. Model that outrage for the American people till they feel it in their bones. Mr. Obama, clearly one of our nation's most effective orators, must connect with people emotionally as well as intellectually. Use well-honed logical arguments, but demonstrate more clearly the urgency of ending Republican leadership by consistently using a more dramatic tone of voice. Explain what is at stake and why the country must not risk making the same mistake it did when it thought it was buying security by electing George Bush. Use power phrases such as: "How many banks must fail, how many of our homes must be foreclosed, how many jobs must be lost, how many people must go bankrupt trying to pay for health care, how many Americans must come home in body bags before we stand up as a nation and say enough!" ...