Tweet Me Nice

The Tweeter-in-Chief is at it again. In  spite of all the evidence to the contrary, President Trump and press secretary Sean Spicer, continue to insist that former president Obama tapped the communications at the Trump Tower during the run-up to the 2016 election.

Using Fox News as his source of information, the Emperor provoked a confrontation with the United Kingdom by claiming that the British intelligence agency participated in the covert surveillance. That statement seriously ruffled some English feathers with outraged UK officials issuing immediate denials and calling for an apology.

One would think that those who demanded satisfaction would know better. Alienating our closest ally is all in a day's work for the Tweet-master. We should all, by this time, recognize the truth--the Donald doesn't do apologies.

The trans-Atlantic dust-up did cause a reaction from our own National Security Agency, however. When asked for an opinion on the matter, a top NSA official called the president's claim "errant nonsense-- just crazy."


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