Guns, God and Grizzlies

Why did the Republican Party insist on backing Donald Trump's choice for Education Secretary even though she has been proven to be entirely unqualified for the position?  In hearings before the education committee, nominee Betsy DeVos showed that her grade for understanding and supporting public education would be zero.

As the wife of Amway billionaire Rich (yes, that is his name) DeVos, Betsy D. has never been a public school student or teacher, has never developed curricula, has never been a school superintendent or administrator and she has never been elected to public office. Her unequivocal advocacy of school voucher programs would translate in damage to public education by re-routing available federal education funds to parents who could then choose what they do with the money. As the results of the 2016 election demonstrated, entrusting parents with the responsibility of making sure their children are properly educated would be a big mistake.

Rather than looking at testing proficiency or other evaluative metrics, those seeking to understand the education policies of Ms. DeVos may be better off looking to the heavens.  "Our desire is to confront the culture in ways that will continue to advance God's kingdom," DeVos said in a recent interview."

Prayer in schools is not the only issue of concern for the American classroom. Going by the model that the Trump Regime has for security in the schoolroom, parents put their minds at ease, knowing that their kids will be safe. Questioned by a Senate panel about her ideas for school safety, Ms. DeVos' took a  stand in explaining why she believes that guns should be allowed in K-12 classrooms: it's "due to the threat of grizzly bears," she said with a carefully manufactured straight face.  

American students still score poorly in comparison to their peers on international testing. Ninety percent of the school age children in America attend public school. Advocating policies that would pull funds from public education is not the way to improve a system that is already financially under-siege

It is clear that if Betsy DeVos and the rest of the Trump regime have their way, Americans will be raising a generation of happy little business owners who are ready for the marketplace, ready to make deals, but functionally uneducated.  


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