Let There Be an Arms Race

Yes, he said that.  Donald Trump is ready to play God, the all-embracing figure upon whom the fate of mankind rests.  Now waiting in the wings of the most powerful office in the world, he is convinced that he is the ultimate negotiator, the powerhouse deal maker who pretends that he is willing to see his adversary's point of view. A passionate believer in his own myth, he is certain he will win in the end, because in the high stakes game of Chief Executive he thinks he holds all the cards.

For an individual with all the manufactured sincerity and charm of a used car salesman, it's quite an accomplishment, especially when his opponent is Vladamir Putin. What's Donald's trump card? Nothing less than nuclear war. Though not yet sworn in as president, Mr. Trump arrogates to himself the right to toy with the nuclear weapons regime that has successfully kept humankind from destroying itself since 1945.

Is the diplomatic dance being played by these ego-maniacal demagogues something that the citizens of the two countries should truly be concerned about, or is it just another example of two blowhards waving their members in the wind (check).

Statements coming from the Kremlin in the wake of the computer hacking scandal indicate that Putin may be interested in "normalizing" U.S./Russian relations. The truth is that in thinking he can best the Russians on the chessboard of international diplomacy, Mr. Trump may have chosen the wrong game (mate)


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