The Brussels Massacre
There was another deadly rampage in Europe this week. This time the carnage was small, but nonetheless significant, having occurred at the very heart of the European continent. The continuing, centuries-old, conflict between east and west poured its blood all over the headquarters of the European Union, proving once again that old wars, like old civilizations, never die --- they just get buried for a while.
The senseless atrocity in Belgium pits a modern multi-national military against a battle-hardened horde of fanatic young warriors driving legions of armed Toyota pickup trucks, hell-bent on recreating a medieval desert kindom where religion ruled the roost.
The west had learned how to moderate its fear from the years after 911; and still the west learned until the videos, until the knives, until the invitation to send troops to fight into the desert, and then came the politics...
The senseless atrocity in Belgium pits a modern multi-national military against a battle-hardened horde of fanatic young warriors driving legions of armed Toyota pickup trucks, hell-bent on recreating a medieval desert kindom where religion ruled the roost.
The west had learned how to moderate its fear from the years after 911; and still the west learned until the videos, until the knives, until the invitation to send troops to fight into the desert, and then came the politics...