Lets Hear it for the Cheese-head

Union busting Wisconsin governor Scott Walker paid a visit to London last week, meeting with the British Finance Minister and other key officials in an attempt to burnish the governor's foreign policy credentials in anticipation of a 2016 run for the White House. The governor demonstrated that he was not only a stranger to U.S. foreign policy, but a novice to science as well. When he was asked if he thinks the theory of evolution is a proven fact, he declined to state his opinion. The Finance Minister was clearly playing the ridicule card, knowing full well that Mr. Walker is emerging as a national leader of an American political party that has officially labled the phenomenon of climate change a "hoax."

Keeping the Wisconsin electorate uninformed has been a hallmark of the governor's policy to cripple education and destroy teachers' unions in his state. During his visit to the UK, Governor Walker took time to endorse Wisconsin cheese, proclaiming it among the best in the world. One can't help but wonder if the governor will be stopping in France during his trip.


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