Tea Party Putsch

(Written October 3, 2013)

The brown shirts and the white sheets take over Washington! The key question: why would so-called mainstream Republicans be so eager to obey the commands of a small group of radicals? The last election made it clear that black, women, Latino and other minorities were not interested in what the GOP was selling. So what does the Tea Party arm of the GOP do to make its appeal more inclusive? It shuts down the government in protest of the President's healthcare initiative. Smart move for those who believe the public will swallow anything if it is repeated enough.

The truth is GOP leaders have been seeing their party and its message becoming a political anachronism and are willing to swing wildly until they hits something. The suspicion that Speaker John Boehner finds his political leadership skills at the bottom of a scotch glass is becoming more apparent. The threat of engaging in violence, sometimes mistakenly referred to by this group as civil disobedience, was manifest, but never carried out. In the end, the shutdown of 2013 went down with a whimper and it only cost the taxpayer 24 billion, about the same as what it would cost to extend unemployment benefits to over a million Americans according to the CBO. That a large group of voters don't recognize this psychopathology for what it is, can only mean one thing: access to adequate mental health services through healthcare reform is now more important than ever.


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