Joy Riding off The Fiscal Cliff

As we approached the 2012 election and the presidential candidates engaged in the theatrics of the debates, we entered an arena where substance doesn't matter. What truth there was was expressed in either meaningless platitudes or the frighteningly heartless calculations of budget cuts. In the midst of all the chatter about tax rates, the budget and the deficit, the fog began to clear and the vague outlines of a calculated plan appeared. It was a plan enclosed by a threat: to allow the dormant aristocracy of the United States to return to power. The threat that unless we cede the presidency to Mitt Romney and effectively allow the GOP to protect the wealthy, we will head right over the fiscal cliff into a national financial abyss.

That attempt failed. Yet, the political perspective that presumably represents the middle class and the nation's poor was quickly put on the chopping block, offered as a bargaining chip as an artificially manufactured budget crisis threatened to derail the social supports that millions of Americans survive on: Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment insurance. Mr. Obama repeatedly said during the campaign that the election would represent two fundamentally different ideas of government, two opposite ways of structuring American politics. The problem is that he has yet to fully articulate that difference so Americans can clearly understand what's at stake as the two parties try to wheel and deal over the fate of the country.


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