Arlen Specter has been a Republican for over 40 years. His sudden conversion to the faith of the Democratic party, while welcome for those who think it will mean that key measures of President Obama's administration will be turned into law, nevertheless leaves us wondering. It is clear that Specter waltzed across the aisle because he didn't have the votes to beat a Republican challenger in the upcoming Pennsylvania primary. With Pennsylvania surging toward shades of blue in the last few elections, Specter saw the handwriting on the wall. Make no mistake: the senator openly admitted that his change of political heart, while spurred by the vote of his GOP colleagues against the president's stimulus package, was a vote to undergird his political future. Anyone who thinks that the man from Pennsylvania will abandon many of his right-leaning positions because he now sits with the Democrats may need to think again.
And the Winner is: DOA
The GOP is in the starting blocks, heralding the arrival of its Congressional majority by proclaiming President Obama's budget/legislative proposals as "dead on arrival." They say that the president's program is simply incapable of making it through the Republican dominated legislature. The implication of their message to the American people seems clear: why bother discussing any legislation at all? The argument is similar to the injury suffered by our democracy every time polls are taken and results presented to the country in advance of an election. Why bother debating competitive ideas when the decision is already made? The dream of representative democracy is lost, dead on arrival, as Jefferson and Madison turn over in their graves.