
Showing posts from 2007
George Almost Confesses America went to war in Iraq in order to create a client state backed by a long-term U.S. military presence. After 4 years of conflict, after all of the deception about weapons of mass destruction, Saddam Hussein's involvement in 9-11 and the threat Al Qaeda poses to the American mainland, Mr. Bush's post-Petraeus speech finally came close to a confession: the reason the US invaded Iraq was to transfer the protective forces of the American military from Saudi Arabia to a more hospitable, permanent location. American protection of the Saudi royal family goes back to the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt. The presence of the American military on Saudi soil was augmented during and after the first Persian Gulf War in 1990. Reflecting the long-standing American commitment to the security of the kingdom and the intimate business ties between Saudi rulers and the Bush family, the existence of the US base in Saudi Arabia was considered a profound sacrilege...
A 9/11 Visit to Buffalo Grill The restaurant had a carefully designed faux western décor adapted from a typical Texas saloon. Sets of decapitated longhorn cows graced the walls along with displays of rifles and six-shooters. The full-sized wooden Indian statue seemed to stare at me in mute reproach as “Sonofagun Gonna Have Some Fun on the Bayou” played on the loudspeaker. A maitre d’ wearing a cowboy hat, chaps, spurs and sheriff’s badge approached us and said, “vous désirez un table mesieurs?” I spent the anniversary of 9-11, 2002 in France having dinner with two visiting American friends at a Buffalo Grill. Buffalo Grill is Europe’s number one steak house. Since it opened its first European outlet in 1980, the restaurant chain with the distinctly Texas environment has built a network of franchises worth millions. Though not as ubiquitous as McDonald’s in France, Buffalo Grill has over 250 outlets throughout the country. I had never been in a BG before that evening, but had often noti...
The recent dustup between Hilary Clinton and Barak Obama over the appropriateness of using diplomacy to engage tyrants demonstrates that party politics is an exercise in political theatre, no matter what the party. The Democrats, outclassed for years by an accomplished political machine that lacks any class whatsoever, may have finally learned its lesson from the political assassination of Bill Clinton, the hatchet job done on John Kerry and numerous other assaults. Political attacks, whatever their source or efficacy, must be responded to quickly and with equal ferocity. The Democrats have learned to practice on each other. But have they learned enough? Make no mistake about it, the Dems smell blood in the water from a weakened president. They are riding high on the tailwinds of last year's Congressional victory. Yet, somewhat like Hamlet, they have been so pre-occupied with the crimes of those who usurped the throne that they are unable to recognize their own delusions. As the...
Anna Nicole – Super-Size Me. Stop the presses! Anna Nicole has been embalmed. Americans obsessed with the wall-to-wall news coverage of the trial that will decide who gets custody of the Texas playmate's body can be content that the object of our unhealthy hunger will be preserved. The story reminds us that we live in a culture where size truly matters, often to the point of the grotesque — whether it is maxi-fries, monster trucks, giant slurpees, or Texas tits. Americans are psychopathic consumers who are easily fascinated by what media programmers jiggle before us. It is an unfortunate truth that we rarely bother to stop and evaluate what precisely we are ingesting. For several weeks, US television viewers have been able to tune in their cable news channels and watch the spectacle of dueling claims of paternity, trailer-trash testimony and even a weeping judge. Alive or dead, the media fascination with Anna Nicole's body appears to be an apt reflection of the seemingly contag...
Don't Knock Barack? I would really like to see Barack Obama win the presidency – though I know it will never happen. I will admit I am one of those who have been inspired by Mr. Obama's appearance on the American political scene. There are many, however, who are seriously questioning whether the Illinois senator would truly be a good choice for the Democrats, whether he would be, in a word, electable. One might assume that the person who would be deemed most appropriate to hold the office of the presidency would have to possess the best qualifications to match the following job description: “Wanted: Experienced executive type, learned in American political history, demonstrated mastery of current affairs; a command of economics, international and domestic trade relations, business and labor policies; a thorough understanding of foreign relations and the dynamics of diplomacy; familiarity with military tactics, strategy and weaponry; prefer someone skilled with crisis managemen...