
Showing posts from November, 2018

Power in the House

The Democratic Party lost the Senate though it won the House of Reps in what was viewed as one of the most important mid-term elections in history. Why see it as a loss for the GOP and a victory and a win for the Dems? The Senate is made up of 100 members called senators. Each state is equally represented two senators, regardless of the state’s population. Unlike members of the House, who represent individual geographic congressional districts within the states, senators represent the entire state. Senators serve rotating six-year terms.

Invasion Anybody?

They're almost here. The caravan of lies has reached our shores so get prepared, the mounted hoards will soon be at the gates, knocking down the barriers, heating up the oil. Grab your pitchforks folks, they're sharpening their swords getting their shovels in place, because the great Central American waves--the dark ones-- have breached our defenses; burning the fields, they are breaking the catapults, attacking the protectors of the young ones-- getting their arrows ready; now they are here, taking the women and children, pillaging and raping--making them one of us, making them one of our own.