
Showing posts from November, 2015

The Paris Massacre

Then there are those who simply can't recognize the era in which we live. For most of us it's 2016; for certain others it's 516; is it any wonder that they must be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st? The loss of innocent life in praise of primative ideas from an ancient book is truly tragic.

Heeeeere's Benny (take 2 )

It seems that the GOP presidential front-runner, Dr. Benjamin Carson, has been caught in a lie or two... or three; okay, maybe four. Doctor Ben has claimed in his autobiography, "Gifted Hands," that he was offered a scholarship to West Point. He also stated that he met with U.S. Army’s chief of staff, General William Westmoreland, during Memorial Day 1969. In addition, Carson claims that he was declared to be the most trustworthy student by a Yale University psychology professor. All of this would be admirable, a laudatory set of accomplishments --- problem is, none of it is true.  Certainly more disturbing is Carson's account of himself as a misguided and angry youth who once  stabbed a classmate and who attacked his mother with a hammer. (These latter events have been corroborated by Carson's mother and by his own subsequent statements). Managing to stay out of trouble, Ben Carson turned his life around, found God and went on to become a respected neurosurgeon. T...

Roasted Trump

The summer of Trump came and went, leaving legions of astute media pundits wondering how they were so wrong about The Donald’s longevity. No one predicted that the billion dollar insulter-in-chief would have lasted this long. Endlessly trumpeting his skills as a negotiator, never missing an opportunity to congratulate himself for his accomplishments, Trump’s most powerful weapon has certainly been his disagreeable mouth. Where did the man acquire his current tools of the trade? One need not look much further than ComedyCentral’s Celebrity Roast program. Trump appeared several times on this show as either roaster or roastee, where he got the chance to practice techniques of off-color, insult humor. The only remaining question: which cabinet post will Gilbert Gottfried occupy in the Trump administration?