Lest We Forget
While we are busy holding the Obama administration accountable for its faults, the impending surrender of the Senate to the GOP/Tea Party spells disaster for the country. Lest we forget: these are the same people responsible for nearly tanking the world economy, waging unnecessary and costly wars, trampling the first amendment, blocking legislation that would keep guns out of the hands of deranged teenagers, deluded "patriots" and a host of other whackos; who would replace the certainties of science in the classroom and in public policy with the speculations of religious faith; who permit the outsourcing of jobs to foreign countries while providing tax breaks to oil companies and private billionaires: who take healthcare, food stamps and unemployment benefits from the poor and the hungry, and toss Social Security to the wolves of Wall Street; who have no understanding of the workings of the environment and less of the subtleties of a woman's anatomy. Lest we forget...