
Showing posts from November, 2011

Armistice Day

There is only one way in which we can worthily give proof of our appreciation of the significance of Armistice Day; that is by resolving as a nation to work toward preventing another war; to put self-interest away and once again act on the highest ideals of international cooperation... Woodrow Wilson

GOP Controls Public Discourse

Anybody out there getting a bit weary of the Republican primary debates? Get prepared for more of the same. Checking the schedule, as of this writing the GOP will be getting ready for its 12th debate, most of them televised by major networks. For those of you who can't get enough of this coterie of crass conservatives, fear not. We will all be treated to 14 more chances to turn off Jersey Shore and sit back and watch as right wing politics is sold to the electorate. And where are the Democrats while the Republican position goes unchallenged, while President Obama is blamed for the economy, for unemployment, and for having the temerity to offer the country medical care? They are nowhere to be found. Hours upon hours of free airtime is being devoted to one party's vision for the country and the Democratic leadership is just sitting on its hands. Where are the town halls, the community meetings, the discussions, the Democratic followup responses that would allow presentation