
Showing posts from August, 2007
The recent dustup between Hilary Clinton and Barak Obama over the appropriateness of using diplomacy to engage tyrants demonstrates that party politics is an exercise in political theatre, no matter what the party. The Democrats, outclassed for years by an accomplished political machine that lacks any class whatsoever, may have finally learned its lesson from the political assassination of Bill Clinton, the hatchet job done on John Kerry and numerous other assaults. Political attacks, whatever their source or efficacy, must be responded to quickly and with equal ferocity. The Democrats have learned to practice on each other. But have they learned enough? Make no mistake about it, the Dems smell blood in the water from a weakened president. They are riding high on the tailwinds of last year's Congressional victory. Yet, somewhat like Hamlet, they have been so pre-occupied with the crimes of those who usurped the throne that they are unable to recognize their own delusions. As the...